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2017-12-27 15:23  


郭宗侠,博士,副教授,硕士生导师   English version





主要从事功能高分子的制备、表征和功能化研究。参与国家自然科学基金2项,欧盟第七框架计划项目1项。目前主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、山东省自然科学基金青年项目、山东省自然科学基金省属高校优秀青年人才联合基金各1项。已发表文章20篇,英文论著1章,作为第1作者或通讯联系人身份已在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., Chem.-Eur. J., Langmuir, Chem.-Asian J.等国际学术期刊上发表文章14篇。


2014.12-             必赢优惠y272net,副教授

2011.11-2014.12  中科院青岛生物能源与过程研究所,副研究员

2009.01-2011.04  比利时Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,博士后

   (合作导师:Steven De Feyter 教授)


2002.09-2007.07 中国科学院化学研究所,博士(导师:刘鸣华 研究员)

1998.09-2002.07 山东师范大学,学士



(1) 超分子聚合物的构建及功能化


(2) 二维高分子的合成、表征及性能测试

    二维共价有机网格结构two-dimensional covalent organic framework, 2D COF具有特殊的类石墨烯拓扑结构,如原子级厚度、良好面内晶体结构。近期,科学家们致力于研究不同骨架结构的2D COF以获得具有新颖电子学、传感、光电等特性的新型二维材料,是目前类石墨烯结构材料研究领域最引人注目的研究方向之一。

    2D COF是一类特殊的二维高分子,我们致力于合成过程、方法和思路等方面的探索,希望在新型孔结构、长程有序二维膜以及二维高分子性质测试等方面取得创新性的进展。我们侧重于二维单层共价有机网格结构(two-dimensional single-layered covalent organic framework, 2D sCOF)的合成与表征,尤其关注动态可逆合成过程机制、规律及结构性质,主要表征手段为扫描隧道显微镜技术(scanning tunneling microscopy, STM)。


(1)       Guo, Z.; De Cat, I.; Van Averbeke, B.; Ghijsens, E.; Lin, J.; Xu, H.; Wang, G.; Hoeben, F. J.; Tomovic, Z.; Lazzaroni, R.; Beljonne, D.; Meijer, E. W.; Schenning, A. P.; De Feyter, S., Surface-induced diastereomeric complex formation of a nucleoside at the liquid/solid interface: stereoselective recognition and preferential adsorption. J Am Chem Soc 2013, 135 (26), 9811-9819.

(2)       Guo, Z.; De Cat, I.; Van Averbeke, B.; Lin, J.; Wang, G.; Xu, H.; Lazzaroni, R.; Beljonne, D.; Meijer, E. W.; Schenning, A. P.; De Feyter, S., Nucleoside-assisted self-assembly of oligo(p-phenylenevinylene)s at liquid/solid interface: chirality and nanostructures. J Am Chem Soc 2011, 133 (44), 17764-17771.

(3)       Wang, K.; Guo, Z.; Zhang, L.; Sun, K.; Yu, P.; Zhou, S.; Wang, W.; Li, Z., Co-assembly of donor and acceptor towards organogels tuned by charge transfer interaction strength. Soft Matter 2017, 13, 1948-1955. (Front cover)

(4)       Sun, X. L.; Fan, L. X.; Yang, Y. J.; Guo, Z.; Tian, W. Q.; Lei, S., Synthesis of one-dimensional Schiff base polymers that contain an oligothiophene building block on the graphite surface. Chem Eur J 2015, 21 (18), 6898-6905.

(5)       Xu, L.; Cao, L.; Guo, Z.; Zha, Z.; Lei, S., Side-functionalized two-dimensional polymers synthesized via on-surface Schiff-base coupling. Chem Commun (Camb) 2015, 51 (41), 8664-8667.

(6)       Guo, Z.; De Cat, I.; Van Averbeke, B.; Lin, J.; Wang, G.; Xu, H.; Lazzaroni, R.; Beljonne, D.; Schenning, A. P.; De Feyter, S., Affecting surface chirality via multicomponent adsorption of chiral and achiral molecules. Chem Commun (Camb) 2014, 50 (80), 11903-11906.

(7)       Guo, Z.; Gong, R.; Jiang, Y.; Wan, X., Tetrapeptide-coumarin conjugate 3D networks based on hydrogen-bonded charge transfer complexes: gel formation and dye release. Soft Matter 2015, 11 (30), 6118-6124.

(8)       Guo, Z.; Gong, R.; Mu, Y.; Wang, X.; Wan, X., Oligopeptide-assisted self-assembly of oligothiophenes: co-assembly and chirality transfer. Chem Asian J 2014, 9 (11), 3245-3250.

(9)       Guo, Z.; Song, Y.; Gong, R.; Mu, Y.; Jiang, Y.; Li, M.; Wan, X., Assembly of peptide–thiophene conjugates: the influence of peptide content and location. Supramolecular Chemistry 2013, 26 (5-6), 383-391.

(10)   Sun, X.; Fan, L.; Zhou, X.; Tian, W. Q.; Guo, Z.; Li, Z.; Li, X.; Lei, S., Surface confined synthesis of porphyrin containing two-dimensional polymers: the effect of rigidity and preferential adsorption of building blocks. Chem Commun (Camb) 2015, 51 (27), 5864-5867.

(11)   Sun, X.; Mu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Wang, X.; Hu, P.; Wan, X.; Guo, Z.; Lei, S., Tuning the self-assembly of oligothiophenes on chemical vapor deposition graphene: effect of functional group, solvent, and substrate. Chem Asian J 2014, 9 (7), 1888-1894.

(12)   Sun, X.; Zhang, J.; Wang, X.; Zhang, C.; Hu, P.; Mu, Y.; Wan, X.; Guo, Z.; Lei, S., Oligothiophenes on CVD graphene grown on multi-crystalline copper foil: supramolecular assembly and impact of morphology. Chem Commun (Camb) 2013, 49 (87), 10317-10319.

(13)   Guo, Z.; Jiao, T.; Liu, M., Effect of substituent position in coumarin derivatives on the interfacial assembly: reversible photodimerization and supramolecular chirality. Langmuir 2007, 23 (4), 1824-1829.

(14)   Guo, Z.; Yuan, J.; Cui, Y.; Chang, F.; Sun, W.; Liu, M., Supramolecular assemblies of a series of 2-arylbenzimidazoles at the air/water interface: in situ coordination, surface architecture and supramolecular chirality. Chem Eur J 2005, 11 (14), 4155-4162.



(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,215731182016/01-2019/1275.6万元、在研、主持;

(2) 国家自然科学基金青年基金,214032662015/01-2017/1225万元、在研、主持;

(3) 山东省自然科学基金青年基金,ZR2014EMQ0012014/12-2017/1213万元、在研、主持;

(4) 山东省自然科学基金省属高校优秀青年人才联合基金,ZR2016JL014、2016/11-2019/11、30万元、在研、主持。


(1) European Community's Seventh Framework Program,NMP-2007-SMALL-1, Project number 214340 RESOLVE-Bottom-up Resolution of Functional Enantiomers fromSelf Organised Monolayers2008/09-2012/0848 万欧元、已结题、参加;

(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,506730952007/01-2009/12、已结题、参加;

(3) 国家自然科学基金青年基金,204030232005/01-2007/12、已结题、参加;

(4) 北京分子科学国家实验室(筹)开放课题基金,2013/10-2015/09、已结题、主持。


版权所有: 必赢优惠y272net(China)-BinG百科     地址:青岛市崂山区松岭路99号 邮编:266061